Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Alright so what are some potential downsides to the TPP? Some of the initial concern regarding the agreement is the amount of secrecy that it was negotiated in. While a large majority of the population had no details regarding any of the agreement, many large corporations did have a hand in the negotiations. This is concerning because that means that a lot of the deal is negotiated is aimed at least somewhat towards providing those companies with some sort of benefit.

Another flaw that critics point to is that what the TPP proposes as "free trade" has essentially already happened because of the rapid globalization over the last few decades. Instead, some think that this is a ploy to enable large corporations to move jobs to lower wage earning countries and thus pay less for the same labor they would have to pay somewhere else. Additionally, it is believed that these same corporations would like to set those standards, the same ones I talked about last time, lower than what they currently are. This would allow them to spend less money having to follow rules and regulations.

There are still more downsides or negatives that I will continue talking about next time.

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