Friday, October 16, 2015

So continuing with talking about some of the potential downsides of the TPP, another criticism is that tariffs that countries have exist to protect local industry from being over run by outside countries that are able to sell the same product for less. If taken away by the TPP, many local industries would no longer remain profitable and would have to shut down, leaving that country as a whole worse off in that regard.

One part of the TPP deal that has been leaked to the public is information the deal's intellectual property laws. These laws are generally much stricter than what most countries currently have in place, one of the influences of many corporations having their hand in the negotiations. These stricter laws give them the ability to potentially abuse or harass individuals that are "infringing" on their intellectual property rights. In addition, it is speculated that these laws will be applied to drugs to prevent cheaper medication from becoming readily available.

Lastly, the TPP gives companies the right to sue countries that have laws in place that affect them through the use of the tribunal that will be set in place. Doing this, companies can attempt to get rid of laws that, for example, restrict advertising tobacco products and cigarettes to young children.

All in all, the TPP is an extremely diverse agreement covering many topics, and really no one can say for sure if it will turn out good or bad. The deal has to be voted on and approved in each countries government before it actually takes effect.

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