Monday, October 19, 2015

So I was again going through CareerLink and looking at the available internships, and found another that I have a lot of interest in. It is a risk management internship with the FDIC. The FDIC, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, is the governmental regulation branch of the banking industry around the country. It is there job to make sure that all banks that they insure are meeting at least the minimum standards for things such as deposit ratios and loan ratios.

Anyway, one of the classes that I took last year, Management of Financial Institutions, focused very heavily on the roll that the FDIC plays in the banking industry, and we learned many of the different "health" ratios and indicators that they use to determine whether or not a bank is in good condition. So after learning all of this, all the while working in a bank, the FDIC sounded like a pretty cool place to work. So finding this internship possibility made me extremely happy, and I think that I have a decent chance of getting it with my experience.

Since I am on the topic, next time I will talk a little more about my Management of Financial Institutions class that I took and what I learned.

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