Sunday, October 4, 2015

The finance course that I am taking this semester is called Options, Futures, and other Derivatives. The goal of the class is to gain an understanding of how these types of derivatives work, how they hold value, and situations in which it is good or bad to hold these types of derivatives. So far we have learned the basics of both buying and selling options and futures. We have learned how they gain and lose value in relation to the price of the stock, and when it might be a good idea to purchase or sell these investment instruments to help hedge your portfolio against potential risk.

A lot of the stuff that we have covered over the first month or so of class was super basic, and for the most part was stuff that I already knew. Even still, it was nice to get a refresher, and over the last week or so we have started moving into more advanced stuff, which is nice. I am excited to learn more about the different possibilities with these types of investments over the semester, and potentially even utilize some of them with my own money.

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