Monday, September 28, 2015

I want to talk a little bit about the classes that I am taking this semester and how they are going so far. Over the last year or so I have become extremely interested in learning different computer programming languages because technology is becoming increasingly relevant in so many fields. So I decided to take Computer Science 1, Introduction to programming, this semester. One of my good friends is majoring in Computer Engineering and has previously introduced me to some of the basic concepts. So going into this class the first few weeks was content that I already had a decent grasp on.

 We are now making it to content that is new to me, and it is extremely interesting while a little challenging at the same time. It really requires you to think a different way than you are generally use to, and having to memorize all of the different syntax can be challenging as well. Overall I'm very happy with my decision to take the class, and as of now do plan to take the next level of the class next semester.

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